Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jessica's Ideal Type is Actor Daniel Henney?

Girls' Generation recently revealed her ideal type who none other than actor, Daniel Henney.

On December 27th, the recent broadcast of SBS' "One Night TV Entertainment" featured Girls' Generation as the guest, while the member Sooyoung act as the MC of the program and read the girls fortune for 2013 according to Chinese zodiac, 'Water Snake'. 

Sooyoung then stated that Tiffany was told that she will soon offered to become a CEO of a business, but the fortune said that she shouldn't start right away and have to wait a bit. While, Yuri told that she would become a lead role of a drama.

While Jessica then told that she would dating someone next year, but the man may be living in the other country, knowing this Sooyoung then said, "Perhaps, it is Daniel Henney, right?", as Jessica replied, "That's right", leaving the members burst into laughter.

Source+Images: Joongboo

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