Monday, December 31, 2012

Kara's Gyuri Greets the New Year in Her 'Pandora' Costume

Kara's Gyuri greets the new year by sharing a photo in her 'Pandora' costume.

On December 30th, Gyuri tweeted, "Now only one day remaining to the new year. We've performed our last stage with 'Pandora' and we pleased that we finished the year well." Gyuri looks dazzling in red costume as she captivated fans with her blond hairstyle, while she gave a mesmerize smiles.

Fans then commented, "Kara did a great stage", "Gyuri is such gorgeous woman" and "She looks like a doll." Meanhwile, Kara is scheduled to hold the "2012 Karasia Happy New Year" concert in Tokyo Dome, Japan on January 6th.

Souce+Photo: OSEN

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