Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sunny Hopes Taeyeon Would Stop Being Depressed

Girls' Generation's Sunny shown her concern about her fellow Taeyeon, and would like to help her getting better from the depression.

On January 23rd, the recent broadcast of MBC's "Radio Star", Taeyeon revealed her stress management as said, "I used to get my both ears pierced and had total six piercings. I get stressed from my work, but even worse when I have no work and rest. I think it's better to get busy so I can't think anything."

As the girls asked which part of each member which they like to improve to, Sunny revealed, "I hopes Taeyeon would stop being depressed. From now, please stop listening to sad music and putting yourself in the corner when you feel bad. Come for me when you're feeling down, I'll make you Soju, singing happy songs and doing cute things for you."

Source+Photo: TV Report

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