Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sunye and James Park's Wedding Ceremony Photos Revealed

The photos from Sunye and James Park's wedding ceremony finally revealed to public.

Sunye and James Park who just officially became wife and husband, look happy as they solemnly stepped onto the altar to gave their promise to love and faithful to each other as well as received their blessings from of the 600 special attendance.

In particularly, Sunye has already set a record of her own as the first member of current idol group who get married. While Park Jae Hee who lead the wedding ceremony stated, "Though both were from different field, as star and common people, but they shown great faith to each other and shared their beautiful love story. The wedding ceremony was so wonderful. Congratulation once again for Sunye and James Park."

In addition, Sunye and James Park will be spending their honeymoon in Maldives.

Source+Photos: Asiae

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